Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Family Does Not Like My BOB

How do you deal with family members that aren't supportive of your prepping activities? That's what I'd like to know; seriously what do you? I have received more "eye rolls", shrugs and offhand comments than I care to mention. Is this what all Preppers face? It's as if we have the plague, ha!

Recently, I went on a day trip to another relatives house a few hours away. My parental unit, my offspring and I left early in the morning. I'm the navigator because honestly, my parental unit sucks at navigation and this allows me to take notes, watch for landmarks, unmarked back roads and just get a general idea of the area.

We left exactly on schedule because of my planning. (Patting self on back.) I had the car packed and ready to go and everyone up and moving early enough to take of the personal hygiene needs, SSSSB (Shit, Shower, Shave, Shampoo, Brush Teeth)

Driving down the highway I hear my parental unit say "Did you have to bring THAT?"  "That" is my B.O.B. Why yes, yes I did need to bring it. And it's a very good thing I brought it.


Because the GPS on all of our phones did not work correctly. None of the available online map services pulled up the address we needed. Now we knew the basic direction and knew the town we needed to be near, but we didn't know the complexity of the back roads, the lefts at the fork and the right at the stop sign to get to the exact location.

Guess what I had in my B.O.B.?

A good ol' fashioned map of the area that I just so happened to print the night before! Woo Hoo, jumps around does a happy dance and gives the parental unit the "yeah, I told you so look".

Now let me ask you this?

What are you going to do if an EMP is detonated?

My parental unit may just start appreciating my prepping ways a little more now.

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