Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I Will Miss My Weed Eater When SHTF

What activity will you stop and miss when SHTF?

Have you ever thought about what activity you will stop doing when SHTF? The reasons why you will stop doing it and if you will miss it?

I will miss my weed eater and weed eating. Now you must think that is absolutely crazy. But I will miss the smell of the grass, the vibrations, the smell of the gas and the whole idea of cutting away the old over grown grass and weeds to make room for the new growth.

Now why would I give this up? I can think of many reasons.

First of all, who is really going to care if my lawn is manicured post SHTF. That is even if I Bug In. Really, I don't think my neighbors will care and forget about any Homeowner's Association fines for not having that perfectly manicured lawn. Seriously, please let someone come to me and complain about my lawn post-SHTF!

Second, there will be more important things to do - water, food, shelter. Activities such as purifying water, hunting, fishing, gardening and preparing food will take up most of the day. Maintaining a safe shelter will also be very important.

Third, why would I waste an important commodity like gas on using a weed eater? Gas will be needed for vehicles for escape or urgent and necessary travel only. Gas will also be a commodity that needs protected and can be traded for more pressing items.

And finally, even if I did decide to waste gas on a weed eater, why would I want a manicured lawn for someone to see and know that the shelter is inhabited. This is a serious security issue. There are risks involved either way; but I'd rather someone think my shelter is uninhabited then know it is inhabited. And what about the noise those weed eaters make.  Even worse, someone hear the noise of the weed eater while I'm using it? It's not like I could put a silencer on it, or could I?

There are other activities that I know I will give up, but now that it's spring time and I just finished my first round of whacking those weeds!

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