Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Knife Injury


A couple of weeks ago my teenager was trying to repair a holster that's used for Airsoft tournaments. I've taught the wonderful offspring how to properly handle a knife, what to use a knife for etc. but you know kids, they have to learn some lessons on their own.


While I was busy writing, offspring walks calmly up to me with a look of  "I'm okay but not okay" look and holding my best white towel around a finger. Soaking through was a nice red substance. Yes, it was blood. I could tell by looking into the eyes of my CCFT that terror and panic was about to seep through into tears, screams or fainting.


"I cut myself."

"Let me see."

"No mom, it's bad"

"What did you do?"

"I cut myself"

"Obviously, but how?"

"Well, you know that knife you got me for my birthday, I was using it to fix something." Notice the lack of disclosure as to what was being fixed.

(Oh great, I think to myself, this is my fault.)

"Let me see"


I remove the towel and offspring turns head and averts eyes away from the injury. Blood pretty quickly soaks around towel and we walk to the bathroom to get a better look and grab the first aid kit. Upon inspection it's a cut at a slight angle above the middle knuckle of the pointer finger and goes straight through and I mean I could see bone and it was kind of a dangler but it wasn't. It was like the tip of the knife went straight through the center and slightly to the outside of the finger. Three thoughts race through my head.

Holy Shit
Holy Shit


"Hold this around and put pressure to stop the bleeding, does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt."

Touching the tip of the finger I ask "Can you feel this?

"Kind of, am I going to lose my finger?"
"No but, you are going to lose the knife"

"Keep pressure on it, hold it above your heart, do you feel like you're going to faint?"

"No, you're such a dork mom."

"Hey now, who's the one that cut their finger?"

"Let me check your pulse."

"Mom, seriously?"


Pulse and breathing good, damn this thing is a bleeder.

"Hey, can I stitch this up for you?"

"No, you're not a professional."

"Okay, let's go get it put back together."

I grab a frogtog and get it wet to have something cool and damp. I put it around the finger and off we go to the ER. 


Skipping through the boring details of the ER trip, offspring's finger was successfully sewn and has healed quite nicely. Before I was a prepper, I would have cried, panicked, dialed 911 and basically freaked out. I know what I did may not seem that great to you, but to me it was a good feeling not to panic, not to be afraid and to know that my efforts to prep have made a difference in my life.

Yes, I took the knife away and still carry it in my pocket. :)

I'd like to thank the Prepper community for everything they share. So glad I find it.


  1. So... Is there a used knife for sale?

    1. Why is this comment just now showing up! I'm so sorry I didn't see it before. No, I'm a little bit of a knife addict. I won't sell any of them. LOL!
